Opa! The Greek Festival is gearing up to take place on June 6, 7, 8, 2025.
Please consider supporting our efforts through your message as a family, our social media/program print/signage advertisement for your business, or your in-kind contribution of goods and services needed to make our festival a success.
Please see below for more detail on all the ways to support.
The festival program pamphlet is provided to each attendee who visits the Denver Greek Festival. It includes the festival menu, schedule, map, sponsorships and various other information relevant to the festival.
Third Page Ad | $250
Half Page Ad | $500
Full Page Ad | $1,000
Include a family message of good will for a successful, fun and satisfying festival. This includes a message of your choice and family name (up to two lines) in the Festival Program that is handed out to all attendees.
Family Name or Message | $75
Festival Program Print Sponsorship
*2022 Denver Greek Festival Program pictured
DIGITAL Sponsorsihp
Advertise your company or brand thru our social media channels and website.
Social media sponsorships include a dedicated post on both the Denver Greek Festival Facebook Page (7k followers) and the @denvergreekfest Instagram Page (1.5k followers). Your advertisement may also display on various Instagram and Facebook Stories leading up to the event.
In addition to Social Media we also offer advertisement of your company logo and a link to your website or social media account on our website. The website traffic reaches 50k unique visitors during the week of the festival.
• Facebook & Instagram | $250
• Website (includes Facebook & Instagram) | $500
Interested in being a sponsor?
Complete the sponsorship form and we’ll be in touch!
Still not sure about a sponsorship?
Learn more about our festival, demographics and community to determine if a sponsorship is right for you or your business.
In the heart of Denver, the Denver Greek Festival takes place on the grounds of the Assumption of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Cathedral in a comfortable setting that affords space for all. The fine foods and crafts presented each year are anticipated and enjoyed by people throughout the region for their quality, uniqueness and value.
The Denver Greek Festival targets the Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson, Douglas, Adams and Weld Counties of Central Colorado, as well as drawing from Boulder. There are over 3 million people within a 50 mile radius of the festival grounds, in the 3rd fastest growing state for millennials, (aged 20-35). We are the nation’s 2nd most highly educated state, and the income level of our spectators exceeds the national average, as surveyed during prior events.
The festival base represents a strong and affluent cross-section of Colorado. Attendees range from children to senior citizens. A large number of our attendees are young singles and couples that reside in the Glendale neighborhood adjacent to the south end of our property, while the north side is home to some of the highest-income properties in the city.
The largest percentage of our attendees are ages 30-49 with average incomes of $50,000 - $100,000+. Over 65% are college educated, and 62% have children. The estimated attendance for the Denver Greek Festival annually is 45,000 participants over three full days from 9AM to 11 PM.
The Denver Greek Festival is a beloved event anticipated every year by members of the Colorado Front Range community. Business, government, hospitality and community leaders work together to ensure that this event remains an integral part of the Denver Event Calendar, growing steadily each year.
Corporate Sponsorships
Title Sponsor $25,000
Named as Title Sponsor with corporate name/logo in title on all marketing and advertising, locally and regionally, including television, radio, and print.
Prominent Main Stage Branding
Prime Market Place exhibit space
Full Page Advertising in the 2022 Denver Greek Festival Program (ad copy provided by client)
Private corporate hospitality tent Corporate message broadcast on-site during event days.
Logo on Denver Greek Festival website with link to your website
Authority to use Denver Greek Festival logo/images in your advertising
Twenty-five weekend VIP passes to the Denver Greek Festival which includes access to the private hospitality tent
Fifteen reserved parking passes
Main Stage Sponsor $10,000
Presenting Sponsor of Denver Greek Festival Main Stage with corporate logo on all marketing and advertising; local and regional television, radio, and print
Corporate logo prominent on the main stage
Prime Market Place exhibit space
Access to Corporate Hospitality Tent
1⁄2 page Advertising in the 2022 Denver Greek Festival Program (ad copy to be provided by client)
Corporate message broadcast on-site during event days
Logo on Denver Greek Festival website with link to your site
Authority to use the Denver Greek Festival logo/images in your advertising
Fifteen weekend passes to the Denver Greek Festival
Eight reserved parking passes
Volunteer Support Sponsor $5,000
Named Sponsor of the Volunteers will have their logo on all Festival attire
Corporate logo on all marketing and advertising
Prime market Place exhibit space
1⁄4 page Advertising in the 2022 Denver Greek Festival Program (ad copy to be provided by client)
Access to Hospitality Tent Logo on Greek Festival website with link to your site
Authority to use the Denver Greek Festival logo/images in your advertising
Ten weekend passes to the Denver Greek Festival which includes access to Hospitality Tent
Five reserved parking passes
Hospitality Tent Sponsor $5,000
Named Sponsor of the Hospitality Tent with corporate logo on all marketing and advertising
Prime market Place exhibit space
1⁄4 page Advertising in the 2022 Denver Greek Festival Program (ad copy to be provided by client)
Access to Hospitality Tent
Logo on Greek Festival website with link to your site Signage positions at Denver Greek Festival
Authority to use the Denver Greek Festival logo/images in your advertising
Ten weekend passes to the Denver Greek Festival which includes access to Hospitality Tent
Five reserved parking passes
Military Appreciation Day Sponsor $5,000
Named Sponsor of the Denver Greek Festival with logo on all marketing and advertising
Prime Market Place exhibit space
Access to Hospitality Tent
1⁄4 page Advertising in the Denver Greek Festival Program (ad copy to be provided by client)
Logo on Denver Greek Festival website with link to your site Signage positions at Denver Greek Festival
Authority to use the Denver Greek Festival logo/images in your advertising
Ten weekend passes to the Denver Greek Festival which includes access to the Hospitality Tent
Ten reserved parking passes
Event Feature Sponsor $2,500
On site naming opportunities include sponsorship of one of these festival features... Volunteer Tent, Information Services, Guest Aid Services, Ticket Booths, Golf Carts,
And you receive...
Market Place exhibit space Logo on Denver Greek Festival websiteAuthority to use the Denver Greek Festival artwork in your advertising
Four weekend passes to The Denver Greek Festival which includes access to the Hospitality Tent
Two reserved parking passes at Denver Greek Festival